Friday 23 September 2016

Google updated Penguin 4.0 in Real-Time within the Core Search Algorithm

Today, Barry Schwartz (on September 23, 2016 at 8:00 am) has announced at Search engine Land about Google Penguin 4.0.  After last update Penguin 3.0 on October 17, 2014 (impacting around 1% of queries), Google has released Penguin 4.0 & real time Algorithms.  It is the fourth largest update released today. Google says that Penguin is real time process within its core search algorithms.  After Google Panda processed as real time algorithms within its Core search algorithms, Penguin 4.0 is the also considered as  real time update. 

Penguin 4.0 is designed in such that to capture the spamming sites that has been continuously going on to spamming links to rank their search query in the search engine results pages.

Now, Google will easily cache those sites that are continuously spamming their website on search engine results pages. Those sites would penalize in last penguin 3.0 update, happened on October 17, 2014. They have a golden opportunity to come back as same positions in the search engine result pages. 
With latest Penguin 4.0 released, it had considered as Real Time Algorithms and this update is affected on websites more quickly. When Google recrawls or reindexed pages and your website found guilty, they would be penalized. It would be happened on regular basis and if detect spamming on your website would be penalized. You won’t be waited longer times to loon over any update released from Google.  

Formerly, Penguin was a site-wide penalty. Google say Penguin 4.0 is “more granular.” Here, more granular means Penguin now devalues spam by sifting ranking based on spam signals, instead of affecting ranking of the whole site.

Google will not going to inform about any Algorithms update.   Google also said with this latest update, it will not going to aware of latest penguin updates.  Since it’s a regular process, there’s nothing to confirm. 

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